Longines Queen Elizabeth Stakes Day 2019
RF Spectrum Management
Profiles Resource Management was engaged to provide spectrum management services for the ATC’s Autumn Carnival, as it has been for all the Australian Turf Club’s Autumn and Spring Carnival Race Days since 2018, including the Golden Slipper at Rosehill and The Championships at Randwick.
Saturday the 13th April, The Queen Elizabeth stakes, was Winx’s last run after an unbeaten 33 consecutive runs over 4 years. She was the crowds sweetheart.
PRM completed the spectrum plan, and frequency checks for Broadcast, Functions, Entertainment, and the known ENG News crews by Friday evening.
But nothing was going to prepare us for the what turned out to be a huge task of allocating compatible clean frequencies to what felt like a never ending queue of ENG crews.
Pretty much every media outlet turned out and wanted a piece of the Winx action.
John managed the queue, whilst Peter number crunched frequencies from off site, a process made possible by remote access to the RF scanning devices on site, Shure’s Axient Spectrum Manager, and couple of Wavetowers strategically located.