Australia Day Live at the Sydney Opera House, and at Circular Quay, 2017 – 2022
RF Spectrum Manager
Australia Day Live is an annual event that stretches across Farm Cove, tying together Campbell’s Cove, the Overseas Passenger Terminal, First Fleet Park, Circular Quay, and the Sydney Opera House Forecourt.
The event commences in the early morning with Citizenship Ceremonies, the Governor General’s speech to the nation from a Naval vessel, with an RAAF flypast, and ends with a live TV concert event leapfrogging between the Campbell’s Cove and Opera House forecourt stages.
The RF is jointly managed on a common IT network to ensure that no one interferes with each other, especially as the two main stages are well within RF ‘earshot’ of each other.
As RF Spectrum Manager, Peter’s role is the coordination of all Radio Frequency requirements (2-way, Media, Camera/Video links, etc), and hands on frequency selection and monitoring of the 520-694MHz spectrum for wireless microphone and in ear audio transmitters.
The event is produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and facilitated by JPJ (2017); 8th Day Sound (2018-2022) and a number of other production companies across the various sites throughout the day. Additionally this event requires coordination with Military and Air Services bands; all major media outlets; the Sydney Opera House, and other existing spectrum licence holders that use RF devices within their businesses on a daily basis.